quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

Makeup on or Natural Look?

Hey guys!

So this is me with and without makeup. That’s a quite big difference between the two photos, even when I use a light make like today. Sad isn’t it? (。♋‸♋。)

Just uploading these because I’m really not embarrassing about my natural look, like so many girls who hides behind there make. Just beeing the truly you, doesn’t matter the circunstances is fine for me. I think that there's nothing more beautiful than a good personality. It overcomes any exterior beauty in the world! (。>ω<)ノ゛

Nowadays is so much common beautiful girls been tagged by there appearance and actualy believing in this superficial comments. Or the other way. Girls with a good appearance been tagged as dumb just because their exterior.

The truth is...each one of us bild our own concept of beauty, as such it depends of ourselves (and not others) feeling good or not about our "beauty"




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